One World Diversity Consulting serves clients across a number of sectors, including Health & Mental Health, Environmental Justice & Climate Justice, Respectful Workplace & Employment, Labour, Justice & Corrections, Education, Housing, Community Services, Immigration and Seniors.
Health & Mental Health
We provide services to health and mental health professionals and other staff working within hospitals, government, health agencies, health clinics, health associations and health foundations. Our services focus specifically on how health and mental health professionals can provide culturally competent care to patients with diverse health belief systems, traditions and practices.
Environmental Justice & Climate Justice
Environmental racism and climate change disproportionately impact Indigenous, Black, and other racialized communities, resulting in contamination and pollution from polluting industries and climate devastation. Environmental justice and climate justice are focused on addressing the impacts of these environmental hazards on affected communities, as well as the long-standing structural inequities that put them at risk for these hazards in the first place.
Respectful Workplace & Employment
Our services are responsive to the needs of employers and employees working in a variety of workplace settings, including government, non-profit organizations, industries, corporations and businesses. These services are tailored to meet the needs of workplace settings that put a premium on diversity in staffing and diversity in skill set and that, consequently, reflect the global marketplace.
We provide services to staff working within labour unions and labour organizations. Our services are designed to develop labour union staff’s skills and competencies around cultural competence, diversity, equity and human rights so that they can train other staff on these issues.
Justice & Corrections
We provide services to police, parole officers, frontline staff, administrators and others working in justice, policing and corrections. Our services are designed to prepare staff for working with offenders in prison, as well as offenders transitioning back into the community.
We provide services to teachers, professors, school administrators, counsellors, health professionals and others working within universities, colleges, government, schools and school boards. Our services develop educators’ skills in working with increasingly diverse student bodies and staff within a variety of educational settings.
We provide services to staff working within shelters, housing corporations, housing associations and other settings. We develop their skills in supporting clients who are dealing with a variety of housing barriers, including unemployment, income insecurity, homelessness and mental health and addictions.
Community Services
We provide services to staff working with children, youth and family services, employment support, income assistance and disability support. Our services develop staff’s skills working with clients who are experiencing a number of socio-economic challenges, including abuse, unemployment, and income insecurity.
We provide services to staff working with immigrants who require information and resources on employment, education, housing and settlement, health and immigration documents. Our services are designed to prepare staff for the many social, economic and educational barriers and needs that newcomers experience upon arrival in Canada and during the settlement process.
We provide services to staff working with seniors who require information and resources on housing, education, health, employment, income assistance and elder abuse. Our services support staff in understanding the often ignored needs of seniors.