One World Diversity Consulting offers customized services that are designed to equip our clients with the knowledge and skills to build organizational resilience by leveraging diversity, cultural competence, equity, human rights and environmental justice in ways that enhance organizational culture.
Consulting | Workshops & Training | Presentations & Keynotes | Research & Report Writing
Our consulting is based on years of experience providing guidance and support to organizations and individuals on effectively incorporating diversity, cultural competence, equity, human rights and environmental justice into programs, services and community development initiatives.
Workshops & Training
Our workshops and training use a multi-method approach (small group exercises, large group discussions, videos, etc.) that is customized to clients’ needs. Our workshops and training encourage participants to reflect on the unconscious biases and assumptions they hold about race, culture, gender, sexual orientation and other “diversity concepts” in a safe environment.
Sample Workshops
“Mental health and nursing”, Community of Black Students in Nursing, March 15, 2019.
“Breaking down a racist Canada”, Maritimes Racialized and Indigenous Students’ Experience Summit (RISE), Halifax, October 27, 2018.
“Mental Health of Ethno-Racial Populations”, Moncton Area Parole Office, Ethnocultural Services, Atlantic Region Correctional Service Canada, Government of Canada, March 17, 2015.
“Mental Health of Ethno-Racial Populations”, Dorchester Penitentiary, Ethnocultural Services, Atlantic Region Correctional Service Canada, Government of Canada, February 19, 2015.
“Mental Health of Ethno-Racial Populations”, Springhill Institution, Ethnocultural Services, Atlantic Region Correctional Service Canada, Government of Canada, February 12, 2015.
“Addressing the Impact of Racism on the Mental Health of Ethno-racial Populations”, Nova Institution for Women, Truro, Nova Scotia, Aboriginal Implementation Team, NHQ, Atlantic Region Employment Equity and Diversity Committee, Atlantic Regional Headquarters, Correctional Service Canada, Government of Canada, Halifax, December 4, 2014.
“Addressing the Impact of Racism on the Mental Health of Ethno-racial Populations”, Halifax Parole Office, Aboriginal Implementation Team, NHQ, Atlantic Region Employment Equity and Diversity Committee, Atlantic Regional Headquarters, Correctional Service Canada, Government of Canada, Halifax, December 3, 2014.
“In Whose Backyard?: Exploring Toxic Legacies in Mi’kmaw and African Nova Scotian Communities”, Halifax Forum, Halifax, Nova Scotia, January 11, 2014.
“In Whose Backyard?: Exploring Toxic Legacies in Mi’kmaw and African Nova Scotian Communities”, Membertou Heritage Park, Membertou, Nova Scotia, November 2013.
“In Whose Backyard?: Exploring Toxic Legacies in Mi’kmaw and African Nova Scotian Communities”, Rodd Grand Hotel, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, October 2013.
“In Whose Backyard?: Exploring Toxic Legacies in Mi’kmaw and African Nova Scotian Communities”, North Preston Community Center, North Preston, Nova Scotia, October 2013.
“In Whose Backyard?: Exploring Toxic Legacies in Mi’kmaw and African Nova Scotian Communities”, Sunnyville Community Hall, Sunnyville, Nova Scotia, September
“Racism Sucks!: Speak Up”, Health Equity Council, 931 Yonge Street Toronto Community Housing, September 2007.
“Human Rights in the Workplace: COSTI’s Anti-Harassment and Discrimination Policies”, COSTI Immigrant Services, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2002-2004.
“Racism and Trauma”, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, June 2002.
Presentations & Keynotes
We deliver dynamic and engaging presentations and keynotes that are designed to make you think critically about some of the most pressing issues of our time, regardless of your level of knowledge, expertise or learning style.
Sample Presentations & Keynotes
Waldron, I. (2021). Hear my cry: Breaking the code of silence around intimate partner violence among Black Nova Scotian women in mid-life, Nova Scotia Department of Justice, February 25.
Waldron, I. 2021. Pursuing environmental Justice through science and religion, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), February 11.
Waldron, I. (2021) Razing Africville: The legacy of environmental racism in an Historic African Nova Scotian Community, February Speakers Series, Sharing our Perspectives: History, Health & Environmental Justice, University of California, Merced, February 11.
Waldron, I. (2021). No Fly Zone Virtual Speaker Series, Allard Law Centre for Law and the Environment, University of British Columbia, February 9.
Waldron, I. (2021). Legacies of struggle in the fight against environmental racism in Canada, McGill Sustainability Research Symposium, McGill University, January 28.
Waldron, I. (2021). A culturally specific COVID -19 response strategy for African Nova Scotians in the Prestons, Conversations with Leadership, Dalhousie Alumni and Donor Relations, School of Nursing, Dalhousie University, January 28.
Waldron, I. (2020). Black Lives Matter anti-racism conversations – Environment, Experiences Canada, November 30.
Waldron, I. (2020). Disrupting the status quo: A year for change and innovation, 14th Annual Sistahs-in-Law Retreat and Fundraiser, Black Female Lawyers Network, November 11.
Waldron, I. (2020). Rising together: Women for a just economy cross-country webinar, Equal Pay Coalition & the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, November 4
Waldron, I. (2020), Troubled waters: The health & mental health impacts of environmental racism in Indigenous & black communities, Sustainability Leadership Council and the Speakers Committee of the International Studies Leadership Council, John Hopkins University, October 28.
Waldron, I. (2020). A panel discussion on the intersections of climate change and race, Climate Refugees & the Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University, October 28.
Waldron, I. (2020). Troubled waters: The health & mental health impacts of environmental racism in Indigenous & Black communities, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Healthcare, International Federation of Medical Students Association – Quebec Fall Conference, October 10.
Waldron, I. (2020) Healthy climate, healthy lives: Reimagining the climate crisis as a public health crisis, East Coast International Development Summit, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, February 28.
Research & Report Writing
Our research and report writing services are based on years of experience conducting research and writing reports for community-based organizations, government, businesses and academic institutions.
Sample Reports & Publications
Waldron, I.R.G. (2020). Black women’s experiences with mental illness, help-seeking & coping in the Halifax Regional Municipality: A study conducted to inform NSHA’s Nova Scotia Sisterhood Initiative. Halifax: Dalhousie University.
Waldron, I.R.G. (2020). In your place & out of place: Mapping spatial violence in urban & rural African Nova Scotian communities, Canadian Review of Sociology (Committing Sociology), 57 (4), 733-736.
Waldron, I.R.G. (2020). The wounds that do not heal: Black expendability & the traumatizing aftereffects of anti-Black police violence, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion: An International Journal, 40 (1).29-40.
Waldron, I.R.G (2020). African Nova Scotians on the frontlines: Narratives of resistance in the fight against environmental racism. In M. Mascarenhas (Ed.), Lessons in environmental justice: From civil rights to Black Lives and Idle No More. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Waldron, I.R.G. (2020). Environmental racism in Canada. Report prepared for the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO). Halifax: Dalhousie University.
Waldron, I.R.G. (2019). The health & wellness of people of African descent in Nova Scotia. A report submitted to the NSHA. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Health Authority.
Waldron, I.R.G. (2018). There’s something in the water: Environmental racism in Indigenous & Black communities. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.
Waldron, I.R.G. (2018). Women on the frontlines: Grassroots movements against environmental violence in Indigenous and Black communities in Canada, Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative and Relational Ethnic Studies, 5 (2), 251-268.
Waldron, I.R.G (2018). The ENRICH project: Blurring the borders between community and the ivory tower, Kalfou: A Journal of Comparative and Relational Ethnic Studies, 5 (2), 394-405.
Waldron, I.R.G. (2018). Re-thinking waste: Mapping racial geographies of violence on the colonial landscape, Environmental Sociology (Special Issue: Environmental Justice & Deep Intersectionality), 4 (1), 36-53.
Waldron, I.R.G and A. Gazso (2017). Managing low income in families: The importance of institutions and interactions (Chapter 6). In A. Gazso and K. Kobayashi (Eds.), Continuity & innovation: Canadian families in the new millennium (pp. 80-96). Toronto: Nelson Education.